Barry and Patsy Kohn
Patsy and Barry have known each other for many years dating on and off all through high school and marrying at a young age. Growing up in Cincinnati, they knew after college that Cincinnati would be their home. Barry graduated from college on a Saturday, moved to Cincinnati on a Sunday and started work for his father-in-law on Monday. They both feel raising their children here is just one part of their legacy. They feel fortunate to be able to give coming from humble beginnings. Patsy feels passionate about the Jewish education she, her children and grandchildren received at Yavneh (Rockwern) as well as her affiliation to their congregation, Adath Israel and the JCC. Barry feels his communal work has shown him the importance of the human spirit and has enhanced his passion for Jewish communal service inspired by the people he has worked with in the Jewish Federation’s leadership. They feel strongly about investing in the future of Cincinnati’s Jewish community through their legacy gift to continue the vibrancy of its people for generations to come.
Beneficiary organizations- Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
- Rockwern Academy
a memory
a memory