Ernesto and Renee Levy

Ernesto Levy was born in Colombia and came to Cincinnati for a job. Renee was born in Panama, and her family moved to Miami when she was a child. Introduced by mutual friends in Miami, the couple married in 1996, and established themselves in Cincinnati, where their three children were born.
They are active volunteers within the Jewish community and are making a legacy gift to Rockwern, where they feel their kids got not just a quality education, but also a rooted Jewish identity.
Beneficiary organizations- Rockwern Academy
We both come from outside Cincinnati, however, we consider Cincinnati our home. We knew that raising our kids Jewish might be a challenge without family around.
Our greatest goal was to instill our children with a Jewish identity, a sense of pride in being Jewish. Rockwern helped us achieve that goal.
Every day, the school transmitted Jewish values and morals in an organic, integral way. It became a part of who they are. Furthermore, it gave us a connection to the Cincinnati Jewish Community, and we met some of our best friends there.
One of the core values of Judaism is to give back. We as a couple and as a family have been involved in volunteering and donating as we can. When it came to our legacy gift, we wanted to give to Rockwern because we can’t imagine a Cincinnati without it.
Rockwern has become our community; our family. This is our way of helping ensure that it will always be there for future generations.
a memory
a memory