Robert Levinson

The Levinson Family—father Al and his sons Robert and Charles—built a successful business in metal manufacturing. And more than that, they were a family who helped others.
Al inspired his sons with his generosity and charitable spirit.
Robert was one of the key players in the merger of organizations that became the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, and in the establishment of Camp Livingston and Valley Temple in their current locations.
Robert made his legacy gift in honor of his father, and to perpetuate their family tradition of giving to the community.
Beneficiary organizations- Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
The following statement was written by Bob Levinson, on behalf of his father Al Levinson (of blessed memory), his brother Charles Levinson (of blessed memory), and himself:
Being involved is practically in the Levinson genes. It’s inside of us.
In our family, we called it “paying our civic rent.”
I remember my dad, who was a very quiet, private man, went every Christmas to the orphanages in Cincinnati. He went to the children and shook their hands, and gave each of them a dollar. (At that time, a dollar was a significant amount) That always stuck with me.
My brother and I followed in his footsteps by helping others and getting involved.
We’ve been fortunate and happy, in our lives, and we wanted to share in every way we could. This gift was one of those ways of giving back to our community, as he did.
a memory
a memory