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Mesel Wieder Mensch Award
This award was established by his friends in 1999, who said they wanted to honor those like Mesel Wieder, who exemplified the meaning of the Yiddish word mensch—a person of integrity and honor. Wieder survived the Holocaust in Ukraine. He was extremely involved in Adath Israel and showed his dedication through volunteering for Rockwern Academy’s L’dor V’dor program. Wieder frequently attended Center for Holocaust and Humanity programs, and was known to burst into a rousing rendition of “God Bless America”. This award honors a person who has supported a local Jewish agency or organization.
Beneficiary Organization -
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

Award Recipients
- Rae Leah Levy 2000
- Mary Lee Sirkin 2001
- Sandy Kaltman 2002
- Stan Grad 2003
- Carol Herman 2004
- Mark Kuhr 2005
- Sharon Spiegel 2006
- Leigh Faulk 2007
- Kathie and Donald Kaplan 2008
- Rita Wasserman 2009
- Larry Neuman 2016
- Alan Brown 2017
- Susan Brenner 2018
- Sally Korkin 2019
- David Gurshuny 2021
- Marlene Ostrow 2022
- Robert S. Clayton 2023